Platform development

But then safe & reliable
  • We do audits periodically
  • Up-to-date software
  • State-of-the-art technique
  • Data safe in a secure data centre
Secure online platform development


For your members and your business

It is understandable that you want to enjoy your platform without having to worry about security. That is no problem. We work with the latest security techniques. We are probably publishing a new update while you are reading this. This will keep the data of your members safe.

  • We work with a safe password encryption
  • XSS and CSRF is already built-in
  • Data is sent through a secure network
  • All our servers are equipped with the latest software

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Platform development

Build an online platform

Safe, trustworthy & scalable

Your business is our business. We make sure that everything is safely stored. No worries.
Your data will be stored in the Netherlands. CND makes your platform fast. anywhere in the world, anytime.
You won't need to pay more than you need to with our SaaS solution. This saves you money.


All your data is stored in the Netherlands

Your data will be stored in a well-secured datacenter in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We will make your platform globally accessible with our content delivery network (CDN). We link your domain name and equip your platform with DDOS protection, and an SSL secured network.

The platform software is efficient. That helps with reliability. Your members can search without burdening your database. That is how your platform still works when there are hundreds of visitors present. Audits are periodically performed on our software. That is how we improve the software.

Start a platform Features

Platform development

Reliable solutions

For various applications

We provide leading online platform development for various applications.
