Extranet setup

Have your own extranet created
  • Communicate online with stakeholders
  • Enhance collaboration
  • Increases engagement
  • Make work processes more efficient
Have an extranet made

Benefits of building an extranet 

A more efficient communication process 

Creating an extranet allows you to share information with stakeholders such as customers, employees or suppliers within a protected online environment. This ensures that communication between different parties is more efficient. Build an extranet? 

Setting up an extranet has many advantages. There is a central place for all information. Collaboration becomes easier and the bond with stakeholders improves because they feel more involved. You can also review work processes  automate, saving you time and money.

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Build an extranet

Successfully have an extranet built

The benefits of our extranets

Set up a clear extranet
Build an extranet that not only looks good but is also user-friendly and clear.
Build a secure extranet
We use reliable extranet software. This ensures that information remains private.
Easily manage your extranet
Managing your extranet is very simple, thanks to the integration with our management system.

Creating an Effective Extranet

Streamlined Communication Processes

Do you want to automate business processes? Improve communication efficiency or enhance engagement with stakeholders? Building an extranet provides these possibilities! With a user-friendly design, stakeholders can immediately engage with your extranet.

Creating an extranet? Our extranets offer various options. Reports, news updates, or a ordering environment on your extranet? Our extranet software can accommodate all of these! Determine who is authorized for each feature. Setting up an extranet?

Build Extranet View Features

Set up an extranet

Have a convenient extranet built

We have over 15 years of experience!

Dozens of functions are already built-in for you.