Setting up a community

Start a community!

We built community using Startplatform: your easy-to-use platform for success. Easily start, manage and expand without technical worries, with all the tools you need to build a strong online community.

Set up a Community Platform!

What can a community offer your business?

Do you want to build a community platform or start a community website? A community platform offers your business a unique opportunity to create a space where people with shared interests come together. It’s the place for communication, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Unlike social media platforms, a community platform focuses on specific topics or audiences, resulting in more targeted interactions and engagement.

What does a community platform bring to your business?

Stronger user engagement:
Creating a community platform means building a deeper connection with your audience. Members feel more engaged through personal interactions within the community, strengthening your relationship with users in ways that general social networks cannot.

Increased brand loyalty:
By setting up a community platform, you provide customers with a space to ask questions and share experiences. This increases customer satisfaction and enhances brand loyalty. An active community helps in building long-term customer relationships with your brand.

Valuable knowledge exchange:
When you build a community platform, you encourage the sharing of knowledge and experiences among members, promoting collaboration and innovation. The information shared within the community creates value for the entire group.

Complete control over interactions:
With your own community platform, you have full control over the interactions, without relying on external social media platforms or their algorithms. This allows you as the administrator to optimize the user experience and create a tailored environment for your audience.

Exclusive content and memberships:
By starting a community website, you can offer exclusive content, such as webinars or articles. This boosts member engagement and can even generate additional revenue through paid memberships or premium content.

Setting up a community platform is the key to building valuable relationships, sharing knowledge, and strengthening your audience's connection to your brand. It provides a unique and tailored environment that encourages users to actively participate, leading to long-term engagement. Start building your community platform today and experience the benefits for your business!

Building your own community platform

Check out these community platforms