Extensive searching

With filters of your liking
  • Without page refreshments
  • You control the search filters 
  • Autocomplete 
  • Search with spelling mistakes 

Decide how people search

Manage a complete search system

Searching is an important feature on a website that connects members. We developed a search system that works just a little better. Searching is easy, fast, but still extensive.

You can search with our software without refreshing the page. You also easily manage the search options. That is great because you can adjust the search system to the wishes of your members.

Start own membersite

Extensive searching

Powerful search functions

Equipped with

Open search with autocomplete. No one will misspell a city ever again.
Different options
Multiple-choice options, open searches or searching with age or price slider?
Two-sided searching
Only show members who are also looking for the searcher.

Searching with spelling mistakes

Well... visitors make mistakes

That is why we made the search system smarter. Members make mistakes. That is why they can search with spelling mistakes and still get the relevant results. This is especially interesting for place names. 

Open searches will be automatically completed. Members will see how something is written. They won't need to complete their search. This fastens the search process tremendously.

Extensive searching

Also interesting

besides the search function