Become a partner?

Platform software reseller
  • Generate additional income
  • Three unique affiliate programs
  • You decide how you sell
  • Up to 1875 euro kickback fee per lead
Platform software reseller

Become a platform software reseller

Sign up and receive your own link

Do you have a web design agency, a marketing agency or do you know how to reach people who need a platform? Become a platform software reseller! As a platform software reseller, you determine your earnings based on your desired efforts. The more you do, the more you earn. We keep track of your efforts with a dashboard and you determine when you will be paid.

Thanks to your efforts as a platform reseller, we can continue to do what we are good at. Keep improving our software! If you want to share a link on your website? You will receive a 10% kickback fee for every sale. Do you also provide all support to your customers? You will receive up to 25% discount on the monthly amount and 75% discount on the installation costs. Because of that your income can rise per sale to 1,875 euros.


Become a partner?

Start as a platform reseller?

We have three options

Platform promoter
Simply share a link? Become a promoter. We will create an affiliate account and give you your own unique link. Does your lead give our website a visit with the link and does it become an order? Then you will receive 10% on the purchase price. This way you earn up to 300 euros per lead.
Platform reseller
Do you have experience in setting up websites? Become a platform reseller. You order for your customer, you help your customer with the design and you give your customer support. Your customer pays you. Get a 50% discount on the purchase price and a 20% discount on the monthly amount.
Platform partner
Especially for the agencies that really work on this. Become a platform partner. Do you buy more than 20 platforms per year for your customers, do you set them up and provide support? Then count on a 75% discount on the purchase price and a 25% discount on the monthly amount.