Build a recruitment site

Score more job applications by
  • High-quality job vacancy pages
  • Google for Jobs integration
  • Search with filters
  • Attractive design

Online in 14 days from €699 + €39 per month

job board software

Score More Job Applications

With an Effective Website

Looking to have a recruitment website created? Nowadays, you can find one on every corner of the street. But will you get job applications from it? With us, you can have a recruitment website built that allows you to promote job vacancies, support candidates, and serve employers.

Announcing current job vacancies is one of the most important aspects of a recruitment website. Therefore, we make vacancies searchable with filters, link them to Google for Jobs, display the latest ones on your homepage, and provide the vacancy page with an application form.

Candidates can browse vacancies using filters and set up job alerts to be the first to be notified of the latest vacancies. Looking to create a profitable website for a recruitment? Candidates can bookmark vacancies, upload their CVs, and easily apply for a job.

Create a recruitment website that employers can use to post job vacancies, search for candidates, and get in touch with potential employees. With us, you can have a recruitment website built that provides employers with all the tools they need to fulfill their staffing needs.

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Build a job search site

How to build a recruitment Website?

We make a job site work for you

Get more job applications
We implement SEO techniques on your temporary recruitment website. This gets your job listings on Google for Jobs, bringing in more relevant visitors. The effective design then generates more job applications.
The best at any given moment
No fumbling with updates as in WordPress. We enhance your website every week. This way, your recruitment always stands out, and you also have no worries about the security of your website.
Complete management system
Set up search filters, create application forms, add images, and modify menus? You manage everything yourself through a management system. Find this a bit challenging? We'll handle the adjustments for you.